Haifeng GONG |
Work Experiences
Senior Software Engineer, Google Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA
2011 - Now
- Creative Automation team of Google Display Ads
- Spelling team of Google Search.
Postdoctoral scholar, in GRASP Laboratory,
University of Pennsylvania
2009 - 2011
- Video Analysis
Postdoctoral scholar, in Department of Statistics,
University of California Los Angeles
2007 - 2009
- Video Analysis
- Video content extraction and composition
- Object Recognition
Team leader in
Lotus Hill Instute, Ezhou, Hubei, China, Aug.
2006 - 2007
- Trackability of visual motions
- Unified theory for video understanding
- Video surveillance
Research Assistant in NLPR,
Institute of Automation,
CAS, Sep.
2003 - Jul. 2006
- Generalized Scale Space Optical Flow: generalized Horn-Schunk
optical flow to multi-dimensional multi-channel image, and applied
it to scale space optical flow
- Intrinsic Manifold Matching: matching scattered image data to
a Stiefel manifold with some anchor points given
- Neural Network for Manifold Learning: using neural network to
model high dimensional nonlinear image data
- Image Fusion on Gradient Field: using gradient field to fusion
low resolution color image and high resolution grayscale image to
produce a color image with high resolution
- Boostcvpr - initiated a project on SourceForge(TM): computer vision and pattern
recognition library based on boost C++ library. (http://boostcvpr.sourceforge.net/)
Research Assistant in Wuhan University of Technology, Sep.
2000 - Jun. 2003
- MIS - involved in several management information systems,
including ERP for optics production manufacturer, educational
administration information system of WHUT and fleet logistic system.
- Simulation - took part in the developing of a hybrid vehicle
performance simulation system.
Professional Activity
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
International Conference of Computer Vision 2009,
Journal of Electronic Imaging,
Journal of Field Robotics,
Machine Vision and Applications,
Pattern Recognition,
Pattern Recognition Letters,
National Natural Science Foundation of CHINA.
490522 visistors since August 2009. (C) Haifeng GONG, 2008-2012.